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Welcome! Our research is multidisciplinary and strongly relies on synthetic organic chemistry and biophysical techniques (e.g. DSF/DSC, ITC, NMR spectroscopy), combined with chemical/structural biology and computational methods (e.g. docking, QM). Our primary focus is on the development of chemistry driven approaches to modulate proteins’ physiological activity in a wide sense, with the ultimate goal to deliver new tools to study proteins’ function in living systems. Whenever possible, we exploit the knowledge gained from these studies to attempt tackling difficult problems in human health, notably in cancer, in collaboration with teams of biologists. 


Group News:

September 2024: Chemistry students Harvey Cooke, Matthew Russell, Bethany Cressey, Sarah Madeira present their research and results on small molecule chaperones for mutant p53 (cancer) and formylglycine generating enzyme (MSD), and crystal packing predictions. Well done all! Hard work and dedication this summer while many others are taking time off. New knowledge and data which will contribute to ongoing drug discovery efforts in these areas.


August 2024: 2024 International MSD Scientific & Family Conference at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Matt presents the group's progress on the development of small molecule sulfatase reactivators for (future) therapeutic application in Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency. Great to catch up with colleagues, researchers and families from the MSD community, and to share/hear about the latest developments. Highlight: two clinical trials to start in 2025! Tazarotene and gene therapy, fingers crossed.


August 2024: Our new collaborative paper Exploring 2-Sulfonylpyrimidine Warheads as Acrylamide Surrogates for Targeted Covalent Inhibition: A BTK Story has been published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Well done all!


June 2024: Welcome to Matthew, Harvey, Bethany and Haoyi who will join the group for their internship/MSc project this summer


May 2024: Congratulations to Niama who passed her PhD viva! 

Great thanks to the examiners Angela Russell (University of Oxford, left) and Jonathan Essex (University of Southampton, right).


February 2024: Congratulations to Steve who passed his PhD viva! 

Great thanks to the examiners Rhys Morgan (University of Sussex, left) and Marcin Przewloka (University of Southampton, right).


November 2023: Congratulations to Ruxandra and Laura who have passed their PhD viva!

Thanks to all examiners: Louise Walport (Imperial College/Crick Institute), Richard Harley (University of Glasgow), Sam Thompson and Gregory Perry (University of Southampton

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October 2023: Great evening at the Brewhouse & Kitchen with the Chemical Biology section!


September 2023: Welcome to Abdul, Tom and Zhihao, who are joining our group as PhD/MSc by Research students!


September 2023: Our new paper Structure–Reactivity Studies of 2-Sulfonylpyrimidines Allow Selective Protein Arylation has been published in ACS Bioconjugate Chemistry. Well done all!


December 2022: Group Social - Christmas Meal 2022

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November 2022: Congratulations to the newly titled Dr. Robert Troup who passed his PhD viva on the 25th November! Well done Rob! Good luck on the next stage of your career at Vertex Pharmaceuticals!

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November 2022: Congratulations to Pan for passing his MPhil viva! He will be continuing in our group to start his PhD on the 'Optimisation of Small Molecule Ligands of p53-Y220C'. Well done! 

October 2022: Our new paper describing the Discovery of Nanomolar-Affinity Pharmacological Chaperones Stabilising the Oncogenic p53 Mutant Y220C is now published in ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science.


September 2022: Congratulations to Ruxy for being selected to deliver a flash presentation based on her work on "Heteroaromatic sulfones as warheads for Targeted Covalent Inhibitors" at RSC CBBG Chemical Biology meets Drug Discovery meeting 2022. Well done!

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September 2022: The group attends the RSC CBBG Chemical Biology meets Drug Discovery meeting 2022 where both Ruxy and Niama deliver posters on their research on "Heteroaromatic sulfones as warheads for Targeted Covalent Inhibitors" and "Lead optimisation of Small Molecule Sulfatase Reactivators for MSD" respectively. Well done!
View their posters here: Ruxy, Niama

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July 2022: Congratulations to the newly titled Dr. Michael McCoy who passed his PhD viva on the 27th July! Well done Mike! Good luck on the next stage of your career as a Process Chemist!


July 2022: We welcome Yichen Wei to the group for her MSc research project!

May 2022: Our new paper describing a Biophysical survey of small-molecule β-Catenin inhibitors - a cautionary tale is now published in the  Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

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May 2022: The group attends the RSC Chemical Biology Symposium 2022 where both Laura and Ruxy deliver posters on their research on "Bioorthogonal chemistry methodologies and chemical biology of cysteine redox signalling" and "Heteroaromatic sulfones as warheads for Targeted Covalent Inhibitors" respectively. Well done!

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April 2022: Niama delivers a presentation on her work at the 2022 International MSD Scientific and Family Conference (28-30th April 2022) "Lead Optimisation of Small Molecule Sulfatase Reactivators: Towards a Therapy for Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency". Well done!

April 2022: Ruxy delivers a poster on her research at the University of Southampton Institute for life sciences poster exhibition (28th April 2022) "Heteroaromatic sulfones as warheads for Targeted Covalent Inhibitors".

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April 2022: Ruxy delivers a presentation on her work at the 2022 RSC Chemical Biology and Bio-Organic Group Postgraduate Symposium (4th April 2022) "Heteroaromatic sulfones as warheads for Targeted Covalent Inhibitors". Well done!

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April 2022: Laura presented a poster on her research on cysteine redox signalling at the 2022 RSC Chemical Biology and Bio-Organic Group Postgraduate Symposium (4th April 2022). View her poster here

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March 2022: Our 4th year project student Akil won first prize for his poster at the undergraduate chemistry poster presentations on his project on Lead Optimisation of Small Molecule Sulfatase Reactivators. Well done! 

February 2022: Matt's book chapter on spirocycles in medicinal chemistry now published in Spiro Compounds: Synthesis and Applications (Wiley).

February 2022: Matt is promoted to Associate Professor.


October 2021: We welcome Suyin Pan to the group for his MPhil project!

October 2021: We welcome Akil and Nomagugu to the group for their Y4 and Y3 undergraduate research projects!

August 2021: Mike presented a poster on his research on Wnt drug discovery at the International Symposium on Synthesis and Catalysis 2021 (31st August- 3rd September 2021). View his poster here and video here
Niama also presented a poster on her research into the medicinal chemistry of multiple sulfatase deficiency. View her poster here


December 2020: Joe presented a poster on his research into p53 drug discovery at the 14th RSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector Postgraduate Symposium (6-11th December 2020) where he won the Delegates Choice Prize. Well done Joe! View his poster here.

October 2020: New critical review on Current strategies for the design of PROTAC linkers published in collaboration with AstraZeneca, now online in Exploration of Targeted Anti-Tumor Therapy. 


October 2020: Steve delivers a presentation on his work at the annual "Kerkut Trust Summer Meeting", which this year took place online: "Small molecule modulation of the wnt pathway: Protein-protein interaction networks and therapeutic outlook". Well done!

October 2020: We welcome Ryan and Danielle to the group for their Y4 and Y3 undergraduate research projects!

September 2020: We welcome Niama and Johanna to the group as PhD students! 

August 2020: New mini-review on p53 drug discovery published in collaboration with the Bulatov lab, now online in Frontiers in Oncology.

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July 2020: We welcome to Tuncay the group for his MSc three-month project! 

March 2020: Group social - Cheese and wine night

Cheese Board

February 2020: Group social - Pancake Day


February 2020: Group social - Escape Room


December 2019: Group social - Christmas Meal joint with the Thompson group


December 2019: Secret Santa


October 2019: We welcome Megan, Oliver and Marcin who have joined the group for their Y4 and Y3 undergraduate research projects, respectively.

October 2019: We welcome Jason who has joined the group for his masters research project.

October 2019: We welcome Laura and Ruxandra who have joined the group as PhD students!

July 2019: We welcome Maeva who has joined the group as a postdoc.

May 2019: Steve presents his work at the IFLS-Chemistry for life session at the University of Southampton.

April 2019: The group attend the RSC Chemical Biology Symposium in Southampton. Joe presented a poster on PhD work on p53 drug discovery.

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March 2019: Matt talks at the 2019 Chemical Biology and Bio-Organic Group (CBBG) Forum in Manchester.

April 2018: Our new paper describing chemical probes of the p53-cancer mutant Y220C is now published in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

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October 2018: We welcome Dominique, Johanna and Brad who have joined the group for their Y4 and Y3 undergraduate research projects, respectively.

October 2018: We welcome Sam who has joined the group for his masters research project.

October 2018: We welcome Rob and Steve who have joined the group as PhD students!


September 2018: Matt and Mike attend the European Wnt Meeting 2018, fantastic meeting! Mike presented his PhD work on Wnt drug discovery and delivered a flash talk, great job!

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August 2018: New challenge! Our group undertakes new research towards tackling Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency, a rare and incurable disease. MSD Action Foundation and the Baud/Dierks/Radhakrishnan/Schlotawa labs join forces to advance research towards a much needed treatment for MSD.

January 2018: New paper on “Optimization of a “bump-and-hole” approach to allele-selective BET bromodomain inhibition” in collaboration with the Ciulli lab is now published in Chemical Science. 

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October 2017: We welcome Izzy and Amelia who have joined the group for their Y4 and Y3 undergraduate research projects, respectively.

October 2017: We welcome Joe and Mike who have joined the group as PhD students!

August 2017: New paper on “Gram scale laboratory synthesis of TC AC 28, a high affinity BET bromodomain ligand” in collaboration with the Ciulli lab is now published in ACS Omega. 

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November 2016: Matt received the 2016 BACR/Astex Roger Griffin Prize for “the best paper on cancer drug discovery” in recognition of the “Bump and Hole” approach to target BET bromodomains, and delivered a talk at the NCRI Cancer Conference 2016, Liverpool.


The late Professor Roger Griffin 

namesake of the awarded prize.

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October 2016: New paper! “Toward photopharmacological antimicrobial chemotherapy using photoswitchable amidohydrolase inhibitors” in collaboration with the Fuchter lab is now published in ACS Infectious Diseases. Well done!

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October 2016: We welcome Phoebe and Rory who have joined the group for their Y4 and Y3 undergraduate research projects, respectively.

September 2016: The Baud group is established in Southampton!

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November 2021: Congratulations to the newly titled Dr. Joseph Stephenson Clarke who passed his PhD viva on the 8th November! Well done Joe! Good luck on the next stage of your career as a Senior Scientist in Drug Discovery at Evotec!

January 2022: Rob’s review on PROTAC design wins the ETAT Highly Cited Paper Award 2020-2021, well done! Most read/downloaded/cited ETAT article, details here, Exploration of Targeted Anti-tumor Therapy (

Research in our laboratory is kindly supported by the following agencies and funding programs:

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